Virtual-E-Mart: LOD Details

LOD details

Machine info:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5870 @ 2.00GHz
GPU: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3430
OS: Linux 2.6.32-25-generic
Player: Octaga Player
Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
ViewpointImageFPS without LODFPS with LOD
Full detail~72.5 FPS~72.8 FPS
Less detail~72.7 FPS~73.3 FPS
Lesser detail~72.6 FPS~73.5 FPS

FPS gain (while using three different levels of details) was not as good as expected mainly because wicked implementation of VRML viewers on the testing platform. A little fluctuance of FPS in the non-LOD scene can be seen on the graph below.

This graph shows the performance difference between two scenes (with LOD and without LOD).