Gymnázium Oty Pavla, Radotín – Matematika v anglickém jazyce – 2.S


Angličtina pro studenty MFF UK


Každou hodinu dostanete domácí úkol. Úkoly dají dohromady 85 % bodů, 50 % bodů je možné získat za písemku na konci pololetí. Body budou následně převedeny na známky takto:
interval procentznámka
$\left( \infty , 90 \right\rangle$$1$
$\left( 90, 75 \right\rangle$$2$
$\left( 75, 50 \right\rangle$$3$
$\left( 50, 35 \right\rangle$$4$
$\left( 35, 0 \right\rangle$$5$

Získané body

Domácí úkoly

Hodina 1 - 4. 10. 2018

  1. Rewrite these expressions into mathematical symbols:
    1. Zero is less than one minus sine x over x, is less than one minus cosine x.
    2. Capital L minus l asterisk is greater than or equal to absolute value of d.
  2. Rewrite these expressions into English:
    1. $1/3 + 1/6 = 1/2$
    2. $x, y \in A; x \neq y$

Hodina 2 - 11. 10. 2018

  1. Describe the following capital letters:
    H - Letter H has two parallel vertical lines and one horizontal line
    1. E
    2. W
    3. N
    4. X
    5. I
    6. Y
    7. Z
    8. K
    9. L
    10. M

Hodina 3 - 18. 10. 2018

  1. What kind of angle does a clock make at (clockwise orientation)
    1. 7:55?
    2. 22:22?
    3. 13:30?
    4. 15:00?
    5. 21:05?
    6. 6:34?

Hodina 4 - 25. 10. 2018

  1. Construct an equilateral triangle PQR in which the length of one side is 6 cm.
  2. Construct an isosceles right triangle XYZ in which $\measuredangle Y = 90^{\circ}$, $XZ = 4\sqrt{2}\text{ cm}$.

Hodina 5 - 1. 11. 2018

  1. If we draw the …, the line divides the circle into two unequal …. A circle has been … if a triangle is touched on its …. A … is the are enclosed by an arc and a … while a … is the area enclosed by an arc and two ….

Hodina 7 - 15. 11. 2018

  1. The tables at the party are shaped like the hexagon. If you put the tables together side to side, how many would you need for 50 people?
  2. The grocery store parking lot will hold 1000 vehicles. 2/5 of the parking spaces are for cars. When you went to buy groceries, there were 200 cars and some trucks in the parking lot. The parking lot was 3/4 full. How many trucks were in it?

Poslední aktualizace: 19. 11. 2018 16:02:52 CET