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KindTran: Kind Transducer - Homepage

Sometimes it is needed to integrate more standalone applications. They usually use different languages. Therefore some application needed to transform messages in the language of one appliacation to the messages in the language of other appliaction. Such appliactions are called transducers.

KindTran is a prototype of a transducer based on translational kind grammars. (A short grammar class description is available here.)

The documentation from the archive is available here.


Currently available is v0.20/0.21 (i.e. prototype):
Win32KT020w32.zipShould work with all Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP, but tested currently only on NT.
OS/2KT021os2.zipUsual 32-bit OS/2 application (need OS/2 v2+; tested on Warp4)
EMXKT021emx.zipEMX is an *x-extender for OS/2 and DOS, OS/2 runtime is available e.g. on hobbes.nmsu.edu.

Online documentation

readme.htmDoc root part; install and user guide
LangFile.htmLanguage description file format; must be followed when defining own grammars
Mnemos.htmSemantic instruction opcode descriptive list
Operands.htmSemantic instruction operands description